Change email address on my Nature Masterclasses account

To update your email address on your Nature Masterclasses account, please follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to the Nature Masterclasses homepage.

  2. Select ‘Log in’ located at the top right corner of the screen.

  3. Log in to your Nature Masterclasses account using your current email address and password.

  4. Once logged in, select ‘My page’ at the top right corner.

  5. Select ‘My profile’ options presented.

  6. In the ‘My email’ section, select ‘Edit’.

  7. Enter your university email address into the provided field and select ‘Save’.

  8. You will receive an email at your original email address requesting you to activate your new email address. Use  the activation link provided in this email to verify your new email address.

  9. Upon successful activation, you will be redirected to the Nature Masterclasses homepage and see a confirmation message: ‘Success. Email address has been verified’.

  10. Log out by selecting ‘Log out’ at the top right corner of the screen.

  11. Select ‘Log in’ again at the top right corner.

  12. Log in using your newly verified email address. Please note that your password remains unchanged.

If you require further assistance you can submit a query to our Online Service team via our webform here. If you would rather email or phone them, their contact information is available here.

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