Order Retrospective Open Access

This form allows you to order open access for an article that has already been published. By opting for open access, your article will become freely available to all readers worldwide. It will also be automatically sent to PubMed Central and Europe PubMed Central if the article meets the PMC deposition guidelines; full details of our deposition policies are found under the “Self-archiving, manuscript deposition, and digital preservation” information on the Open Access Journal policies page.

Please note that articles published Open Access retrospectively are not eligible for Transformative Agreements.

From January 2021, authors who published primary research articles in Nature or the Nature-branded Research Journals can choose to make their articles open access (OA) retrospectively, however only primary articles published on or after the 1st of January 2021 will be eligible for the retrospective OA option. 

All non-primary research in these journals (e.g. Reviews, Comments, News & Views) is not eligible for Open Access under our current policies.

After submitting the form below, you will receive an Open Access License to Publish (OA LtP) Form that needs to be signed and returned. If you order open access for your article, you will be charged an article-processing charge (APC). The invoice will be sent to you after the license to publish document has been returned.


We will publish a correction article (please see this example correction article for reference) and update the metadata and full text of the original article, which means that copyright, license and open access information in the article will be updated. 


Please note that it is not possible to cancel this order and ensure you read our Retrospective open access for transformative and hybrid journals policy (under the 'Other OA policies' section) before submitting your request.

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The form is available in English and German. You can select an option from the drop-down menu on the upper right side of the form.


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