Different methods to create your topic

Depending on the kind of topic you want to create the method best suited for creation may differ

Finding research articles or other documents continues to be a needle in the haystack problem - with an ever-growing haystack. The proliferation of content means it has become increasingly difficult to find what you need. Search systems, such as Google Scholar or OpenAlex, support finding a handful of documents well, but what if the information you need is over multiple documents? Finding and making good use of a collection of documents relevant to your needs is now critical in all areas of research.

The content selector within the Creator of Nature Navigator Creator is in active development and constantly improving to not yet fully developed but is progressing based on the feedback of our users and quickly with the input of our customers. Our aim is that whatever your area of interest is, you’ll be able to create a digital report within Nature Navigator in just a few clicks.  

Examples of Topics you can create with Nature Navigator Content Creator

Unleash Your Creativity: You decide what your topic is 

  • A scientific field focus

    • E.g. “Food Sciences”, “Carbon Neutrality”
  • A certain institution

    • “Nagoya University”
  • A country

    • E.g. Japan, Mexico
  • A person
    • E.g. Albert Einstein, A. Scott Denning
  • Sustainable Development Goals Focused
    • E.g. Good Health & Well Being
  • A Field of Research category
    • E.g. Earth sciences, Aerospace engineering

Nature Navigator offers different methods to create your next topic.

Using existing content selections via file upload

Do you already have curated lists of documents or research articles that you’ve compiled through external tools? If so, this method is ideal for you. By uploading a CSV file containing Digital Object Identifiers (DOIs), you can quickly import your pre-selected content into Nature Navigator. This feature is especially useful for those who prefer to work with pre-existing data sets. 

To import such a list into Nature Navigator, use the following option in the Creator main screen.

Screenshot of a topic if you will import as a list

Selecting content via keywords within the app

Are you starting from scratch or looking to expand your research horizons? Creating a topic using keywords within Nature Navigator is ideal. This method enables you to enter specific keywords related to your research interests, and the app will curate a topic based on the latest and most relevant documents in its database. Opt for this approach when you are exploring new areas of research or need a broad, keyword-driven topic generation process.

To curate a topic via keywords in Nature Navigator, use the following option in the Creator main screen.

Screenshot of a topic that you will curate via keyword

Other methods we can use to help you get to the topic you need

Nature Navigator also offers additional methods to assist in topic creation, tailored to unique research needs. These methods can include advanced search functionalities, AI-driven recommendations, and collaborative filtering based on user interactions and preferences. Consider these options when you require a more customized approach, leveraging sophisticated tools and technologies to pinpoint the exact information necessary for your research endeavors.

In this method, you can contact our team to assist you with converting and importing your existing search queries or document collections into Nature Navigator. The team will help ensure that your documents are appropriately formatted and imported seamlessly.

Pre-existing queryYou have a search query from another platform, which can be adapted to be used in Nature NavigatorContact the team who will convert the query on your behalf
Regular search in OpenAlexCreate a search query in OpenAlex and export result sets up to 100k DOI and use them as input in Nature NavigatorContact the team who will import on your behalf
AI generated topics Nature Navigator has over 30k predefined topics available for creation.Search for a pre-defined topic and make a request for creation
Seed articlesAn existing article, wikipedia page or other text is used to find semantically similar contentContact the team to use your list of seed articles for topic creation on your behalf.
Seed textUse a text decriptiopn, e.g. a wikipedia page or other text, to find similar contentContact the team to use your seeding text for topic creation on your behalf
Chat conversationDescribe your topic with a chat interfaceGenerativeAI outputs can be used to explore how best to define your topic. If you'd like to try this, speak with us and we can give you prompting guidance or just go ahead and try using ChatGPT or other LLMs and send us your input!

By understanding and choosing the appropriate method for topic creation, you can enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of your research, ensuring that you gather the most relevant documents and insights for your study.

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