Book review copies

If you are a book reviewer, journalist, or on the editorial staff of a journal or magazine and would like to review one or multiple books by Springer Nature, then please complete our book review copy request form. (Please note that although the form is Springer branded, it can be used to request review copies of books published by any Springer Nature imprint, including Palgrave Macmillan.)


We acknowledge and deeply value the time that reviewers and journalists spend writing about our books. Please note that we provide solicited review copies in electronic format for confirmed pieces in journals, magazines, newspapers and other media outlets (television, radio, etc.).


If you have any general questions for our review team, please contact


If you are an author and an outlet has contacted you directly to express an interest in reviewing your book, then please refer them to this request form for book review copies.

Textbook examination copies/desk copies:

If you are looking for a copy of a book that you would like to adopt for a course, please see our support article on Textbook examination copies/desk copies.

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