Section_Types in COUNTER release 5.0 & 5.1

Release 5.1

Due to extending the list of Data_Types and the new way of reporting item level metrics, the Section_Type attribute became redundant in the release 5.1. Hence, it’s not included in the reports.


Release 5.0

We report usage data for the Section_Types “Article”, “Book” and “Chapter”. The Section_Types “Section” and “Other” are not used by any of our platforms so they are not included in reports or in the filter interface on the Librarian Portal. 


The Metric_Types that start with “Unique_Title”, and our custom Metric_Type “SN:Total_Chapter_Requests”, will not report any Section_Type – the attribute value will be empty in the report. If you want usage counts for any of these Metric_Types, you must download the Master Report, a Standard View, or keep all Section_Types selected for your custom filtered report. I.E: If any Section_Types are unselected for your custom filtered report, the above Metric_Types will not be included in your custom report.

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