Purchasing an article on Nature.com

Most articles published on nature.com are available for purchase on Springer Nature Link in in PDF format.



Under the Abstract details, the “Access Options” that are available for that article will be displayed. Select “Buy now” and you will be diverted to the Springer Nature Link version of the article.

A screenshot of the Access options available for this article example. This includes: Institutional access, Nature+ access, annual subscription access or buying the single article. All available options have clickable buttons to proceed.

Then select the “Buy article PDF” button displayed on the side of the Abstract when open on the Springer Nature link page and the article will be added to your cart ready for checkout. 

A screenshot of Access options available. In this example the options are via an Institution, purchase article PDF or rent through DeepDyve. Price of article is displayed on Buy article pdf button

A screenshot of the black and orange shopping cart with a number one confirming quantity of items in shopping Cart

You may select “Cart” to view the items within your cart or proceed with checkout at any time. 

A screenshot of the items in Cart example. There is 1 item with the price listed and the button to proceed with checkout along with a form box for coupon codes.

Please note the format of the article will look slightly different between the Nature.com and Springer Nature Link websites, but please be assured the content will remain the same.

Viewing the article on your bookshelf

Ensure you are logged into your MyNature account registered to the same email address that was used to purchase the article.

Select “Subscriptions and purchased” from the Account overview page

Screenshot of Account overview page, includes links to Track your research, Subscriptions and purchases, Manage your account, Submission in progress, Published work, Peer review and Editorial tasks.

Select “View eBookshelf”

Screenshot of Subscriptions and purchases page. Includes links to View bookshelf, Nature Journal subscriptions, Springer journal subscriptions, Nature+ digital subscriptions and Email communications i.e. Marketing preferences and Journal alerts.

This will direct you to the saved and purchased digital copies of books, articles, and chapters. Here you will be able to select the title which is hyperlinked to the articles abstract, or you can download a PDF of the item at any time.

 Screenshot of an eBookshelf with article example. The title of the article is linked text to the articles abstract page. Clickable "Download PDF" button is present under the DOI number

As part of purchasing Nature research articles through the website, you should receive an order confirmation email shortly after with a downloadable link to a PDF of the article you have purchased. If you do not receive this, please check the eBookshelf first before contacting our Customer Service team.

Unfortunately, it is not possible to purchase articles by phoning Springer Nature, nor rent or purchase articles through ReadCube from May 2024.

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