Book I ordered not available / item out of stock

Customers in North, South and Latin America

Unavailable or out of stock print book titles are automatically place on our backorder file for 365 days, unless specified otherwise. This means we'll ship the order once the title becomes available. You can place a print book on backorder with a prepayment, but the credit card will only be charged when we ship the order. Books not yet available can be ordered on SpringerLink. You can send us your order request via support request form, but please do not include credit card details. If prepayment is required, a Proforma Invoice, with a secure payment link, will be emailed to you.


Customers located in Rest of World (ROW)

If a print book you ordered is not available or out of stock, it will be automatically backordered and fulfilled when it becomes available again. Books not yet available can be ordered on SpringerLink. You can also contact us for manual entry.


To cancel a backorder in either location, please contact Customer Service to request the cancellation. Provide your order number, account number, and Purchase Order number (if applicable). If you paid by check or money order, please include these payment details with your cancellation request. Refunds take approximately four weeks to process from the date of your cancellation notice. 

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