MARC records via FTP

We can deliver MARC records (not OCLC MARC records) based on most licensing models, including subject collections and Access & Select. To get set up with FTP delivery of MARC records, email our MARC team and include the following information.

  1. Which Springer Nature collections you have purchased, including copyright year(s), e.g. Math and Statistics CRY 2017

  2. The frequency of updates you would like (the standard is monthly but shorter intervals are possible)

  3. By default, uploads will be made to a Springer Nature FTP site for you to download the data, with your own login credentials. If your processes require uploads to your own FTP instead, provide the address, credentials to access and the folder to use. Make sure we have read/write access.

We will confirm via email when you can start to use the FTP service, which will remain in effect indefinitely.

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