Associate users / set up remote access via a login account

Step 1: Sending an invitation to the user you want to associate with your institution account:

  Librarian Portal left hand panel

You will see 'Associated users':

  • Enter the email address(es) and select an end date, then click ‘Invite users’.
  • An email to 'Get access' will be sent to the email address(es) you entered.

Associated users


Step 2: Receiving an invitation email (sent in step 1).

Email invite to 'Get access'


Click on 'Get access' in the email and do one of the following:

If you are already logged in to your SpringerLink account: your account will be automatically associated – no need to do anything further. 

If you are not currently logged in: you will be prompted to either log in or create a new account:

If you have an existing account: simply log in and you will then be automatically associated, as above.

If you do not have an account: simply sign up for one, once completed it will automatically be associated.

Once a new user has been associated they will (upon logging into their account) be able to access all of your organisation's subscribed content.


See also:

SpringerLink / Springer Username and Password Help

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